erOAuth( $this->strip_whitespace( $consumer_key ), $this->strip_whitespace( $consumer_secret ), $this->strip_whitespace( $oauth_token ), $this->strip_whitespace( $oauth_token_secret ) ); } /** * Check if we need to authenticate the user. * * @return bool */ public function maybe_authenticate() { if ( ! session_id() ) { session_start(); } if ( ! $this->is_set_not_empty( $_SESSION, array( 'rop_twitter_oauth_token', 'rop_twitter_credentials', ) ) ) { return false; } $token = $_SESSION['rop_twitter_oauth_token']; $token['consumer_key'] = $_SESSION['rop_twitter_credentials']['consumer_key']; $token['consumer_secret'] = $_SESSION['rop_twitter_credentials']['consumer_secret']; unset( $_SESSION['rop_twitter_oauth_token'] ); unset( $_SESSION['rop_twitter_request_token'] ); unset( $_SESSION['rop_twitter_credentials'] ); return $this->authenticate( $token ); } /** * Method for authenticate the service. * * @codeCoverageIgnore * * @since 8.0.0 * @access public * @return bool */ public function authenticate( $args = array() ) { if ( ! $this->is_set_not_empty( $args, array( 'oauth_token', 'oauth_token_secret', 'consumer_key', 'consumer_secret', ) ) ) { return false; } $this->set_api( $args['oauth_token'], $args['oauth_token_secret'], $args['consumer_key'], $args['consumer_secret'] ); $api = $this->get_api(); $this->consumer_secret = $args['consumer_secret']; $this->consumer_key = $args['consumer_key']; $this->set_credentials( array_intersect_key( $args, array( 'oauth_token' => '', 'oauth_token_secret' => '', 'consumer_key' => '', 'consumer_secret' => '', ) ) ); $response = $api->get( 'account/verify_credentials' ); if ( ! isset( $response->id ) ) { return false; } $this->service = array( 'id' => $response->id, 'service' => $this->service_name, 'credentials' => $this->credentials, 'public_credentials' => array( 'consumer_key' => array( 'name' => 'API Key', 'value' => $this->consumer_key, 'private' => false, ), 'consumer_secret' => array( 'name' => 'API secret key', 'value' => $this->consumer_secret, 'private' => true, ), ), 'available_accounts' => $this->get_users( $response ), ); return true; } /** * Method to register credentials for the service. * * @since 8.0.0 * @access public * * @param array $args The credentials array. */ public function set_credentials( $args ) { $this->credentials = $args; } /** * Utility method to retrieve users from the Twitter account. * * @codeCoverageIgnore * * @since 8.0.0 * @access public * * @param object $data Response data from Twitter. * * @return array */ private function get_users( $data = null ) { // assign default values to variable $user = $this->user_default; // Check credentials if the user is using his own dev account. if ( $data == null ) { $this->set_api( $this->credentials['oauth_token'], $this->credentials['oauth_token_secret'], $this->consumer_key, $this->consumer_secret ); $api = $this->get_api(); $response = $api->get( 'account/verify_credentials' ); if ( ! isset( $response->id ) ) { return $user; } $data = $response; } $img = ''; if ( ! $data->default_profile_image ) { $img = $data->profile_image_url_https; } $model = new Rop_Services_Model(); $authenticated_services = $model->get_authenticated_services( $this->service_name ); if ( ! empty( $authenticated_services ) ) { $user['active'] = false; } if ( isset( $data->activate_account ) && $data->activate_account ) { // Used by E2E tests. $user['active'] = true; } $user['id'] = $data->id; $user['account'] = $this->normalize_string( $data->name ); $user['user'] = '@' . $this->normalize_string( $data->screen_name ); $user['img'] = apply_filters( 'rop_custom_tw_avatar', $img ); $user['service'] = $this->service_name; return array( $this->get_service_id() . '_' . $user['id'] => $user ); } /** * Returns information for the current service. * * @since 8.0.0 * @access public * @return mixed */ public function get_service() { return $this->service; } /** * Generate the sign in URL. * * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedFormalParameter) * * @since 8.0.0 * @access public * * @param array $data The data from the user. * * @return mixed */ public function sign_in_url( $data ) { $credentials = $data['credentials']; if ( ! session_id() ) { session_start(); } if ( empty( $credentials ) ) { return $this->get_legacy_url(); } if ( ! empty( $credentials['consumer_key'] ) ) { $this->consumer_key = trim( $credentials['consumer_key'] ); } if ( ! empty( $credentials['consumer_secret'] ) ) { $this->consumer_secret = trim( $credentials['consumer_secret'] ); } $_SESSION['rop_twitter_credentials'] = $credentials; $request_token = $this->request_api_token(); if ( empty( $request_token ) ) { return $this->get_legacy_url(); } $this->set_api( $request_token['oauth_token'], $request_token['oauth_token_secret'], $credentials['consumer_key'], $credentials['consumer_secret'] ); $api = $this->get_api(); $url = $api->url( 'oauth/authorize', array( 'oauth_token' => $request_token['oauth_token'], 'force_login' => false, ) ); if ( empty( $url ) ) { return $this->get_legacy_url(); } // $url = $api->url("oauth/authorize", ["oauth_token" => $request_token['oauth_token'] , 'force_login' => true ]); return $url; } /** * Method to request a token from api. * * @codeCoverageIgnore * * @since 8.0.0 * @access protected * @return mixed */ public function request_api_token() { if ( ! session_id() ) { session_start(); } $api = $this->get_api(); try { $request_token = $api->oauth( 'oauth/request_token', array( 'oauth_callback' => $this->get_legacy_url( 'twitter' ) ) ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $this->logger->alert_error( 'Error connecting twitter ' . $e->getMessage() ); return ''; } $_SESSION['rop_twitter_request_token'] = $request_token; return $request_token; } /** * Method for creating link(article) posts to Twitter. * * @since 8.7.0 * @access private * * @param array $post_details The post details to be published by the service. * * @return array */ private function twitter_article_post( $post_details ) { $new_post['text'] = $this->strip_excess_blank_lines( $post_details['content'] ) . $this->get_url( $post_details ); return $new_post; } /** * Method for creating link(article) posts to Twitter. * * @since 8.7.0 * @access private * * @param array $post_details The post details to be published by the service. * * @return array */ private function twitter_text_post( $post_details ) { $new_post['text'] = $this->strip_excess_blank_lines( $post_details['content'] ); return $new_post; } /** * Method for creating media posts to Twitter. * * @since 8.7.0 * @access private * * @param array $post_details The post details to be published by the service. * @param object $api Instance of twitter api wrapper. * * @return array */ private function twitter_media_post( $post_details, $api ) { $attachment_url = $post_details['post_image']; // if the post has no image but "Share as image post" is checked // share as an article post if ( empty( $attachment_url ) ) { $this->logger->info( 'No image set for post, but "Share as Image Post" is checked. Falling back to article post' ); return $this->twitter_article_post( $post_details ); } if ( class_exists( 'Jetpack_Photon' ) ) { // Disable Jetpack Photon filter. $photon_bypass = remove_filter( 'image_downsize', array( Jetpack_Photon::instance(), 'filter_image_downsize' ) ); } $media_path = ''; if ( strpos( $post_details['mimetype']['type'], 'image' ) !== false ) { $passed_image_url_host = parse_url( $attachment_url )['host']; $admin_site_url_host = parse_url( get_site_url() )['host']; /** If this image is not local then lets download it locally to get its path */ if ( $passed_image_url_host === $admin_site_url_host ) { $media_path = $this->get_path_by_url( $post_details['post_image'], $post_details['mimetype'] ); } else { $media_path = $this->rop_download_external_image( $attachment_url ); } } else { $media_path = $this->get_path_by_url( $post_details['post_image'], $post_details['mimetype'] ); } $upload_args = array( 'media' => $media_path, 'media_type' => $post_details['mimetype']['type'], ); if ( ! empty( $photon_bypass ) && class_exists( 'Jetpack_Photon' ) ) { // Re-enable Jetpack Photon filter. add_filter( 'image_downsize', array( Jetpack_Photon::instance(), 'filter_image_downsize' ), 10, 3 ); } $status_check = false; // Overwrite media_type and category if is Video Post if ( strpos( $post_details['mimetype']['type'], 'video' ) !== false ) { $upload_args['media_type'] = $post_details['mimetype']['type']; $upload_args['media_category'] = 'tweet_video'; $status_check = true; } // Overwrite media_type and category if is Gif Post if ( strpos( $post_details['mimetype']['type'], 'image/gif' ) !== false ) { $upload_args['media_type'] = $post_details['mimetype']['type']; $upload_args['media_category'] = 'tweet_gif'; $status_check = true; } $this->logger->info( 'Before upload to twitter . ' . json_encode( $upload_args ) ); $api->setTimeouts( 10, 60 ); $api->setApiVersion( '1.1' ); $media_response = $api->upload( 'media/upload', $upload_args, true ); if ( isset( $media_response->media_id_string ) ) { $media_id = $media_response->media_id_string; $limit = 0; do { if ( ! $status_check ) { break; } $upload_status = $api->mediaStatus( $media_response->media_id_string ); if ( $upload_status->processing_info->state === 'failed' ) { $media_id = ''; break; } $media_id = $media_response->media_id_string; $this->logger->info( 'State : ' . json_encode( $upload_status ) ); sleep( 3 ); $limit ++; } while ( $upload_status->processing_info->state !== 'succeeded' && $limit <= 10 ); if ( ! empty( $media_id ) ) { $new_post['media']['media_ids'][] = (string) $media_id; } } else { $this->logger->alert_error( sprintf( 'Can not upload media to twitter. Error: %s', json_encode( $media_response ) ) ); $this->rop_get_error_docs( $media_response ); } /** Delete this image if it was an external one downloaded temporarily. */ if ( strpos( $media_path, ROP_TEMP_IMAGES ) !== false ) { wp_delete_file( $media_path ); } $new_post['text'] = $this->strip_excess_blank_lines( $post_details['content'] ) . $this->get_url( $post_details ); return $new_post; } /** * Method for publishing with Twitter service. * * @since 8.0.0 * @access public * * @param array $post_details The post details to be published by the service. * @param array $args Optional arguments needed by the method. * * @return mixed */ public function share( $post_details, $args = array() ) { if ( Rop_Admin::rop_site_is_staging( $post_details['post_id'] ) ) { $this->logger->alert_error( Rop_I18n::get_labels( 'sharing.share_attempted_on_staging' ) ); return false; } $share_via_rop_server = ! empty( $this->credentials['rop_auth_token'] ); $transient_key = 'rop_twitter_limit_reset_' . wp_hash( $share_via_rop_server ? $this->credentials['rop_auth_token'] : $this->credentials['oauth_token'] ); $limit_saved_msg = get_transient( $transient_key ); if ( ! empty( $limit_saved_msg ) ) { $this->logger->alert_error( $limit_saved_msg ); return false; } $new_post = array(); $api = null; if ( ! $share_via_rop_server ) { $this->set_api( $this->credentials['oauth_token'], $this->credentials['oauth_token_secret'], isset( $this->credentials['consumer_key'] ) ? $this->credentials['consumer_key'] : '', isset( $this->credentials['consumer_secret'] ) ? $this->credentials['consumer_secret'] : '' ); $api = $this->get_api(); } $post_id = $post_details['post_id']; $post_url = $post_details['post_url']; $share_as_image_post = $post_details['post_with_image']; // Twitter link post if ( ! empty( $post_url ) && empty( $share_as_image_post ) && get_post_type( $post_id ) !== 'attachment' ) { $new_post = $this->twitter_article_post( $post_details ); } // Twitter plain text post if ( empty( $share_as_image_post ) && empty( $post_url ) ) { $new_post = $this->twitter_text_post( $post_details ); } // Twitter media post if ( isset( $api ) && ! empty( $share_as_image_post ) || get_post_type( $post_id ) === 'attachment' ) { $new_post = $this->twitter_media_post( $post_details, $api ); } elseif ( ! isset( $api ) && ! empty( $share_as_image_post ) ) { $this->logger->info( __( 'Post with image is available only the local mode (Use my own API Keys). You can find the option when adding your X account to the plugin Dashboard.', 'tweet-old-post' ) . ' ' . __( ' Read more on:', 'tweet-old-post' ) . '' ); } if ( empty( $new_post ) ) { $this->logger->alert_error( Rop_I18n::get_labels( 'misc.no_post_data' ) ); return false; } $model = new Rop_Post_Format_Model; $post_format = $model->get_post_format( $post_details['account_id'] ); $hashtags = $post_details['hashtags']; if ( ! empty( $post_format['hashtags_randomize'] ) && $post_format['hashtags_randomize'] ) { $hashtags = $this->shuffle_hashtags( $hashtags ); } $new_post['text'] = $new_post['text'] . $hashtags; $this->logger->info( sprintf( 'Before twitter share: %s', json_encode( $new_post ) ) ); $response = array(); $response_headers = array(); $server_response = array(); if ( ! $share_via_rop_server ) { $api->setApiVersion( '2' ); // Note: Make sure to always set the correct API version before making a request. $response = $api->post( 'tweets', $new_post, true ); $response_headers = $api->getLastXHeaders(); $this->logger->info( sprintf( '[X API] Response: %s', json_encode( $response_headers ) ) ); $response = (array) $response; if ( ! empty( $response['data'] ) ) { $response['data'] = (array) $response['data']; } } else { $response = $this->rop_share_post_via_server( 'tw', $new_post, $this->credentials['rop_auth_token'] ); $this->logger->info( sprintf( '[Revive Social] Response: %s', json_encode( $response_headers ) ) ); $body = wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ); $body = json_decode( $body, true ); if ( ! empty( $body ) ) { if ( ! empty( $body['server'] ) ) { $server_response = $body['server']; // If we have a cached response, use it to apply the logic for rate limiting. if ( ! empty( $server_response['cached_response'] ) ) { $body = $server_response['cached_response']; } } if ( ! empty( $body['api_headers'] ) ) { $response_headers = $body['api_headers']; } if ( ! empty( $body['api_body'] ) ) { $response = $body['api_body']; } } } $limit_remaining = isset( $response_headers['x_rate_limit_remaining'] ) ? $response_headers['x_rate_limit_remaining'] : false; $user_24h_limit_remaining = isset( $response_headers['x_user_limit_24hour_remaining'] ) ? $response_headers['x_user_limit_24hour_remaining'] : false; $app_24h_limit_remaining = isset( $response_headers['x_app_limit_24hour_remaining'] ) ? $response_headers['x_app_limit_24hour_remaining'] : false; $reset_time_msg = ''; $time_diff = 0; $max_reset = 0; $log_limit_msg = __( 'X posting limit reached. Sharing on X will be skipped.', 'tweet-old-post' ) . ' (' . __( 'Learn more about X limits at', 'tweet-old-post' ) . ' '; if ( false !== $limit_remaining && $limit_remaining <= 0 ) { $reset = isset( $response_headers['x_rate_limit_reset'] ) ? $response_headers['x_rate_limit_reset'] : false; // in UTC epoch seconds if ( $reset ) { $time_diff = max( $time_diff, $reset - time() ); $max_reset = max( $max_reset, $reset ); $reset_time_msg .= '(' . __( '"x-rate-limit-remaining" will reset at:', 'tweet-old-post' ) . ' ' . date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $reset ) . ' UTC' . ')'; } } if ( false !== $user_24h_limit_remaining && $user_24h_limit_remaining <= 0 ) { $reset = isset( $response_headers['x_user_limit_24hour_reset'] ) ? $response_headers['x_user_limit_24hour_reset'] : false; if ( $reset ) { $time_diff = max( $time_diff, $reset - time() ); $max_reset = max( $max_reset, $reset ); $reset_time_msg .= '(' . __( '"x-user-limit-24hour-remaining" will reset at:', 'tweet-old-post' ) . ' ' . date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $reset ) . ' UTC' . ')'; } } if ( false !== $app_24h_limit_remaining && $app_24h_limit_remaining <= 0 ) { $reset = isset( $response_headers['x_app_limit_24hour_reset'] ) ? $response_headers['x_app_limit_24hour_reset'] : false; if ( $reset ) { $time_diff = max( $time_diff, $reset - time() ); $max_reset = max( $max_reset, $reset ); $reset_time_msg .= '(' . __( '"x-app-limit-24hour-remaining" will reset at:', 'tweet-old-post' ) . ' ' . date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $reset ) . ' UTC' . ')'; } } if ( 0 < $time_diff ) { set_transient( $transient_key, $log_limit_msg . __( 'All limits will be fully reset by', 'tweet-old-post' ) . ': ' . date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $max_reset ) . ' ' . $reset_time_msg, $time_diff ); } if ( isset( $response['data'] ) && ! empty( $response['data']['id'] ) ) { $this->logger->alert_success( sprintf( 'Successfully shared %s to %s on %s ', html_entity_decode( get_the_title( $post_id ) ), $args['user'], $post_details['service'] ) ); return true; } $msg = 'Invalid response from X server.'; $extra = $response; if ( isset( $response['detail'] ) ) { $msg = $response['detail']; } if ( ! empty( $server_response['message'] ) ) { $msg = $server_response['message']; if ( 'limit_reached' === $server_response['code'] ) { $extra = json_encode( $response_headers ); } if ( empty( $extra ) ) { $extra = $server_response['code']; } } $this->logger->alert_error( sprintf( 'Error posting on X: %s | Additional info: %s', $msg, json_encode( $extra ) ) ); $this->rop_get_error_docs( $response ); return false; } /** * This method will load and prepare the account data for Twitter user. * Used in Rest Api. * * @since 8.4.0 * @access public * * @param array $account_data Twitter pages data. * * @return bool */ public function add_account_with_app( $account_data ) { if ( ! $this->is_set_not_empty( $account_data, array( 'id' ) ) ) { return false; } $the_id = $account_data['id']; $account_data = $account_data['pages']; $this->set_api( $account_data['credentials']['oauth_token'], $account_data['credentials']['oauth_token_secret'], $account_data['credentials']['consumer_key'], $account_data['credentials']['consumer_secret'] ); $api = $this->get_api(); $args = array( 'oauth_token' => $account_data['credentials']['oauth_token'], 'oauth_token_secret' => $account_data['credentials']['oauth_token_secret'], 'consumer_key' => $account_data['credentials']['consumer_key'], 'consumer_secret' => $account_data['credentials']['consumer_secret'], ); $this->set_credentials( array_intersect_key( $args, array( 'oauth_token' => '', 'oauth_token_secret' => '', 'consumer_key' => '', 'consumer_secret' => '', ) ) ); $response = $api->get( 'account/verify_credentials' ); if ( ! isset( $response->id ) ) { return false; } // Prepare the data that will be saved as new account added. $this->service = array( 'id' => $response->id, 'service' => $this->service_name, 'credentials' => $this->credentials, 'public_credentials' => array( 'consumer_key' => array( 'name' => 'API Key', 'value' => $account_data['credentials']['consumer_key'], 'private' => false, ), 'consumer_secret' => array( 'name' => 'API secret key', 'value' => $account_data['credentials']['consumer_secret'], 'private' => true, ), ), 'available_accounts' => $this->get_users( $response ), ); return true; } /** * This method will load and prepare the account data for Twitter user using the info from the Rop server. * * @since 8.4.0 * * @param array $account_data Twitter pages data. * * @return bool */ public function add_account_from_rop_server( $account_data ) { if ( ! $this->is_set_not_empty( $account_data, array( 'id' ) ) ) { return false; } $the_id = $account_data['id']; $account_data = $account_data['pages']; $this->service = array( 'id' => $the_id, 'service' => $this->service_name, 'credentials' => $account_data['credentials'], 'public_credentials' => array( 'consumer_key' => array( 'name' => 'API Key', 'value' => '', 'private' => false, ), 'consumer_secret' => array( 'name' => 'API secret key', 'value' => '', 'private' => true, ), ), 'available_accounts' => $this->get_users( (object) $account_data ), ); return true; } /** * Method to populate additional data. * * @since 8.5.13 * @access public * @return mixed */ public function populate_additional_data( $account ) { $account['link'] = sprintf( '', $account['user'] ); return $account; } /** * Send the post to RoP server for sharing * * @param string $sharing_type Post sharing type. * @param array $post_data Post data. * @param string $rop_auth_token RoP auth token. * @return array|WP_Error */ public static function rop_share_post_via_server( $sharing_type = 'tw', $post_data = array(), $rop_auth_token = '' ) { $license_key = 'free'; $plan_id = 0; if ( 'valid' === apply_filters( 'product_rop_license_status', 'invalid' ) ) { $license_key = apply_filters( 'product_rop_license_key', 'free' ); $plan_id = apply_filters( 'product_rop_license_plan', 0 ); } // Send API request. $response = wp_remote_post( ROP_POST_ON_X_API, apply_filters( 'rop_post_sharing_api_args', array( 'timeout' => 100, 'body' => array_merge( array( 'sharing_type' => $sharing_type, 'license' => $license_key, 'plan_id' => $plan_id, 'site_url' => get_site_url(), 'post_data' => $post_data, 'rop_auth_token' => $rop_auth_token, ) ), ) ) ); return $response; } }